You searched for "amputation"

746 results found

BCAM responds to the recent BBC news story regarding the seizure of unlicensed dermal fillers and suspected illegally traded botulinum toxin

The British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM) continues to push for regulation in Aesthetic Medicine to protect patients from the risk of dangerous unlicensed products and procedures...

Multiple free flaps for head and neck cancer

Most patients with advanced head and neck cancers now undergo microvascular free flap reconstruction. This is mainly as flaps facilitate complete tumour and margin removal by providing reliable wound coverage and better restoration of form and function. However, despite this,...

Medico-legal Forum (Botulinum toxin)

The PMFA Journal and Hamilton Fraser Cosmetic Insurance have teamed up to provide a series of articles that will give examples of claims that occur from different procedures. The case in question In 2014 a patient underwent treatment using abobotulinumtoxinA...

The patient journey in DIEP flap breast reconstruction

In the UK approximately 40,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. About 40% of these need, or choose, to undergo mastectomy, where all of the breast tissue is removed. Currently around a third of these patients choose to...

Using growth factors in skincare protocols to elevate patient results

All patients embarking on an aesthetic journey should be introduced to the importance of skin and why a healthy skin canvas is fundamental in producing the best possible surgical and non-surgical results. Investing in a carefully curated skincare regime can...

2nd Chance: reconstructive surgery for life reconstruction

Many populations throughout the developing world have no access to the specialist healthcare needed by patients who have suffered severe burns, war injuries or congenital disorders. The specialties of plastic and maxillofacial surgery can make a vital contribution and PMFA...

Endoscope and concealed incisions for small benign tumours of the accessory parotid gland

While the most common conventional approaches for benign tumours of the parotid gland are the standard parotidectomy incision, a modified standard parotidectomy incision and a face lift incision, the authors have used a modified endoscopic approach with minimal concealed incisions...

Form and function

I am currently working as a locum Senior Consultant in Burns Care in Al Wakra Hospital in Qatar. Qatar is 10 times the size of Hong Kong and has an indigenous population of a few hundred thousand but an expatriate...

Hair removal: a summary of techniques with a particular emphasis on the importance and versatility of electrolysis

Background and causes of excess or unwanted hair The management of unwanted body and facial hair has been a constant challenge for the human species since the dawn of human culture in the Neolithic era. Of note this was the...

Laser tattoo removal: results and issues

The term tattoo indicates both the technique for pictorial decoration on a person’s body [1], and the decoration produced by such a technique. Studies show that in the United States around 5-6% of the general population, 13% of adolescents, 19-35%...

Emerging trends in the aesthetics of rhinoplasty: from local to global

The concept of ‘beauty’ can be bewildering in its scope and variation through time and geographical location. As the aim of facial plastic surgery consists of restoration of form and function, the definition of beauty takes on immense importance. Although...

BAAPS Webinar: Guidelines For Restarting Aesthetic Practice

The BAAPS guidance for restarting aesthetic practice will be discussed and we will also hear about the measures that our European colleagues are taking nationally and in their own practices, and how restarting practice has gone for them.