You searched for "malar"

333 results found

Autologous vs. irradiated costal cartilage in rhinoplasty

The authors present the findings of a retrospective study included 63 patients had rhino-septoplasty using autologous costal cartilage (ACC) and 20 had rhino-septoplasty using irradiated homologous costal cartilage (IHCC) to compare the clinical results of major augmentation rhinoplasty using ACC...

Postoperative antibiotics after a free flap surgery – is one dose enough?

Major head and neck surgery with ablation of oral cancer, neck dissection and free flap reconstruction is a well-established part of maxillofacial surgery. These patients however already have significant co-morbidities and together with a long operation, large wounds open for...

Albumin administration for fluid resuscitation in burn patients

The authors propose to investigate the ongoing controversy and debate surrounding the use of albumin in burns resuscitation; specifically they mention that the study is not investigating the use of albumin to correct hypoalbuminaemia. Mention is made of previously conducted...

Sialendoscopy assisted excision of parotid stones

This is a retrospective paper from China that looks to assess the efficacy and safety of sialendoscopy with a combined transoral or transcutaneous approach for the removal of parotid stones. Sialolithiasis is known to be a major cause for obstructive...

Facial reconstruction with polyethylene implants

Planning reconstructive surgery for complex craniofacial defects challenges even the most experienced of surgeons. In most cases surgery is undertaken to improve anatomical functioning. However, the anatomical structure of these regions is also critical to facial aesthetics and patient satisfaction...

Biodegradable plates in lateral orbitotomy surgery

This is a description of a new method for fixating the bone flap during a lateral orbitotomy. The technique involves the use of an absorbable lactide plate. This is warmed in a water bath to allow trimming and moulding to...

Natural regression of brow heaviness in thyroid eye disease

This is a retrospective review of the change over time in the sub-brow fat volume in 104 patients with thyroid eye disease. Standardised photographs taken at diagnosis were compared with those taken after an average period of 10 years (+/-...

Lacrimal gland carcinoma

This is a major review of the management of lacrimal gland carcinoma, focusing mainly on adenoid cystic carcinoma. Relevant literature published in English since 1970 was included amounting to some 40 articles after filtering. Overall mortality for all lacrimal gland...

Lateral canthal position after lateral orbitotomy

This is a retrospective photographic study of changes in the lateral canthal position following a lateral orbitotomy performed via a lateral canthotomy and cantholysis of both upper and lower limbs of the lateral canthal tendon. Reconstruction of the lateral canthus...

The impact of COVID-19 on aesthetic plastic surgery in the UK: a survey of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons

Introduction Devastating pandemics have occurred throughout human history, including the Antonine Plague (AD 165-180), the Justinian Plague (AD 514-549), the Black Death (AD 1347-1351) and the Spanish Flu (AD 1918-1919). The COVID-19 pandemic began in Wuhan, China in December 2019,...

Perspectives on: Polyurethane covered breast implants

The manufacturer’s viewpoint: Myths, failures and the regulation of the modern breast implant. The modern day silicone breast implant industry was created with the Dow Corning prosthesis, first used in the USA in 1962. Since its introduction into the market...

How I Do It - The True Lift Technique™: facial ligament retightening, an anatomical approach

Facial ageing is a complex process which is multifactorial, involving loss of bony support, elongation of the facial ligaments, displacement of fat compartments, attenuation of the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) layer and thinning of subcutaneous and dermal tissue. This...