You searched for "hymenoplasty"

187 results found

From PIP to DC-CIK to the Sorcerer’s Apprentice: a medico-political minefield

Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) was a French company that manufactured silicone breast implants that were surgically implanted mainly for cosmetic breast augmentation. Of note, ‘cosmetic’ is used in the strict sense of the word meaning false and artificial and does...

Perspectives on: Polyurethane covered breast implants

The manufacturer’s viewpoint: Myths, failures and the regulation of the modern breast implant. The modern day silicone breast implant industry was created with the Dow Corning prosthesis, first used in the USA in 1962. Since its introduction into the market...

Overview of non-invasive treatments for submental fat reduction

Submental fat (SMF) is a growing aesthetic problem that is colloquially known as a ‘double chin’. It is a concern for both younger and older male and female patients. The 2017 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Consumer Survey on Cosmetic...

Laser tattoo removal: results and issues

The term tattoo indicates both the technique for pictorial decoration on a person’s body [1], and the decoration produced by such a technique. Studies show that in the United States around 5-6% of the general population, 13% of adolescents, 19-35%...

Cryolipolysis: a review of published clinical data

Definition: Cryolipolysis is derived from the greek language, describing ‘cold’ and ‘fat breakdown’. History The actual phenomenon of cold induced adipocyte necrosis was originally described by Epstein et al. in 1970 who had reported the presence of a “red indurated...


Although the lesion known as Xanthelasma was first described by Addison and Gall in 1851 [1] it was recorded some 300 years previously in the famous painting of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. In this painting, Leonardo da...

Topical phenytoin effect on pressure ulcers healing: A literature review of the evidence

A pressure ulcer (PU) is a localised injury to the skin and / or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, because of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear (EPUAP/ NPUAP 2009/PPPPIA 2014). Bennett et al. [1] claimed total...