You searched for "consent"

987 results found

Eyelid and Periorbital Surgery

Many specialities in surgery intersect, allowing for clinical and research collaboration. Plastic surgery and ophthalmology are one such example wherein a number of different principles have been combined in order to develop reconstructive techniques for conditions affecting the orbital soft...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 1)

On the 8 December 2020, Justice Judianna Barnes sentenced Dr Mak Wan-ling to three and a half years in prison. The charge for which she was found guilty was gross negligence manslaughter (GNM). She had injected a contaminated blood sample into a patient and the patient had died. The conviction was fundamentally flawed.

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 23a) – forensic snoring

If a person is snoring that means they are breathing. If they are breathing and their skin is of a normal colour does that not suggest that they are oxygenating the tissues?

The Evolution of Wood MediSpa

As surgeons we must have all dreamt of owning our own facility. The perfect dream of a stand-alone private hospital with the entire patient journey seamlessly mapped out. It would offer unparalleled continuity of care – the same team doing...

Factors influencing a career choice in plastic surgery as a UK medical student

The medical school curriculum is increasingly focusing on the role of a general practitioner, which has resulted in medical students having reduced exposure to surgical specialties. There has been a longstanding concern that plastic surgery teaching and exposure in the...

Investigation into unlicensed botulinum toxin: comment from the editor

The recent Times investigation and subsequent reported investigation by the MHRA on the use of unlicensed botulinum toxin in the UK is something that is sorely needed in a sector that is unregulated.

Stratifying preoperative risk in revision augmentation: the six Cs

Breast augmentation is the most frequently performed cosmetic surgical procedure in the UK [1], and with an increasing number of providers, plastic surgeons are managing revisions without information pertaining to the original procedure. Anticipating the features of successive generations of...

Antibiotic resistance

This is a poignant article on a prevalent issue of growing concern for prescribing professionals. The importance and serious implications of antibiotic failure are outlined as an important concept for the aesthetic practitioner to comprehend, supported by a detailed account...

Suspension thread lift combination treatments

A true facelift can only be achieved through surgical means, at least for now, and given advances in techniques and anaesthesia, this has become far safer. Not everyone, however, requires a facelift. Non-surgical modalities such as thread lifts with or...

Glow like a queen

Dr Vincent Wong explains why skin health is particularly important when it comes to treating drag queens and how to help them glow. In an era of gender fluidity, facial masculinisation and feminisation treatments are rising in popularity. As we...

FACE Conference and Exhibition 2019

FACE Conference and Exhibition will be hosted at the QEII Centre, London to lead the largest scientific conference in the UK. Save the date – 7 and 8 June 2019! This 17th edition offers a unique opportunity to connect, engage,...

Bruxism: a practical guide to treatment with botulinum toxin type A

The aetiology of bruxism is outlined and referenced, giving a clear context to the reader. Recommended treatment options are listed, with a brief summary of the evidence concerning pharmaceutical options, oral appliances, splints, psychology and physiotherapy. The author discusses a...