You searched for "Surgical"

686 results found

In vivo animals model shows no disadvantages of osteosynthesis with pins compared to titanium screws for condylar fractures

The advantages of resorbable pins have been proved in craniofacial surgeries. Here the authors extend its use to fractures of the condylar head, which are surgically challenging. The authors aimed to compare in vivo, the stability of fixation of condylar...

Progressive peri-orbital swelling over three years: a rare complication of HA dermal filler injection treated successfully by hyaluronidase

The term ‘tear trough’ was first introduced by Flowers in 1969 to describe the deformity that leads to lower eyelid depression. It was proposed that the defect was due to a muscular defect between the angular head of the quadrates...

Maxillo-facial and neck surgery in Iraq and Afghanistan

Over the past 150 years, military personnel wounded in action had a survival rate of approximately 80% [1]. During the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, those servicemen wounded in action have a 90.4% survival rate [2]. During the past...

How I Do It - A guide to anterior neck lift aesthetic surgery

The difficult neck, particularly an obtuse cervico-mental angle, and the fatty neck are areas that have been concerning plastic surgeons for decades. This article will be chiefly limited to the anterior neck. The neck cannot be improved by anterior neck...

The importance of continuing professional development in rhinoplasty

The PMFA Journal team invited two world-renowned rhinoplasty surgeons to reflect on the importance of life-long learning in their chosen specialty. The vital role of continuous surgical training in rhinoplasty By Pietro Palma Rhinoplasty can be a most rewarding operation...

Masculinisation of the male face – ‘power-face’ surgery

What do men want when seeking facial improvement? Authors from the world-renowned European Face Centre explore the modern approach to ‘power-face’ surgery. A growing number of men are seeking the ‘ideal face’ for physical and psycho-social reasons. Orthofacial surgery aims...

What is the best graft for nose surgery in the long-term?

The authors of this paper performed an experimental study on long-term histological changes in different grafts implanted subcutaneously in 25 New Zealand white rabbits. Ear cartilage, rib cartilage, autologous fascia, fascia allograft, diced rib and ear cartilage wrapped in autologous...

Dental implant rehabilitation in fibula free flaps

The fibula free flap was first described in 1975 and since then has gone on to become the gold standard technique for reconstruction of longer spans in the mandible or maxilla. It is a reliable flap that affords good quality...

Sensitive cilia – eyelashes in health and disease

In health our eyelashes protect the eyes, but in disease they can disfigure, impair quality of life and threaten vision. In this review the authors discuss aspects of lashes that are relevant to all professionals working near the eyes and...

A new technique for correction of medial ectropion with a lax medial canthal tendon

This is a prospective study of a new technique for repair of medial ectropion associated with medial canthal tendon (MCT) laxity. The procedure was performed on 79 eyes and involved excision of an ellipse of tissue from below the punctum...

Lateral canthal position after lateral orbitotomy

This is a retrospective photographic study of changes in the lateral canthal position following a lateral orbitotomy performed via a lateral canthotomy and cantholysis of both upper and lower limbs of the lateral canthal tendon. Reconstruction of the lateral canthus...

A comparison of academic output of Welsh burns and plastic surgery trainees pre- and mid-COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the work of doctors worldwide, with surgical resources being diverted and non-emergency surgeries postponed. With surgical activity at 33.6% of expected levels in 2020, this sudden, vast decrease in surgical activity may have granted some...