You searched for "therapy"

316 results found

In conversation with Thierry Besins

We were delighted to catch up with Thierry Besins, esteemed Plastic Surgeon and Scientific Director of AMWC. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of aesthetic plastic surgery and what have been the...

In conversation with Dr Michael H Gold (2018)

The PMFA Journal team were delighted to chat to Dr Michael H Gold, President of the 9th 5CC Congress, about this year’s meeting. Dr Michael H Gold. What is the theme or focus of the 2018 congress? The 5CC meeting...

How I Do It - Laser hair removal: focus on lighter hair

Variable square pulse (VSP) Nd:YAG laser devices are ideally positioned among all available laser sources for hair removal. This is due to the fact that the Nd:YAG wavelength (1064nm) penetrates deeply into the skin. It is strongly absorbed in melanin...

In conversation with Vishal Madan, BMLA President

Vishal Madan is the President of the British Medical Laser Association. He spoke to Christopher Henson at the BMLA’s annual conference in Edinburgh about the event’s take home message, dermatological aestheticism and the potential for a multidisciplinary approach. What was...

In conversation with Professor Goh Chee Leok

You are internationally recognised in the field of dermatology – can you tell us a little bit about your background? I have been interested in medicine since school days. After graduation from medical school of the National University of Singapore,...

Using erythema-directed digital photography in patients with rosacea

The authors, from the University of Catania in Italy, discuss the promise that erythema-directed digital photography is showing in the clinical evaluation and targeted treatment of rosacea. Rosacea is a common chronic inflammatory facial condition that can lead to significant...

How I Do It - Reduction ­thyroplasty

Introduction Male to female transgender patients often undergo reduction thyroplasty – a procedure to reduce the external appearance of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx, and feminisation of the voice. Reduction thyroplasty, often erroneously called ‘tracheal shave’, is one of...

Treatment of chrono and photoageing with combined light sources

Skin ageing depends on various intrinsic (chronological) and extrinsic (ambiental) factors: chrono and photoageing changes include wrinkles, abnormal pigmentation, skin laxity and telangiectasia. The Nordlys™ system is a multi-platform device that incorporates dual-filtering Selective Waveband Technology (SWT®) and two fractional,...

Old dogs can learn new tricks: the use of an often overlooked treatment modality for pathologically fractured mandibles

Figure 1: Timeline detailing key events in the patient’s treatment. Whilst commonly affecting the feet, spine and hips in adults, osteomyelitis (OM) can also present to the oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) clinic as pathology of the jaws. Case reports...

In conversation with Klaus Fritz

We spoke with Dr Klaus Fritz, a board member with 5CC, about his career in dermatology and 5CC’s upcoming congress in Barcelona. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of dermatology, and what...

Treatment of rosacea using pulsed dye laser

Rosacea is a common chronic cutaneous inflammatory condition estimated to affect 415 million people worldwide [1]. It characteristically affects the central face and its primary features include flushing, non-transient erythema, telangiectasia and in progressive stages papules and pustules. Secondarily, it...

Cleft lip and palate care in low resource countries

The author explains why the traditional ‘humanitarian mission’ style of charity work needs to change and how the charity CLEFT is making an impact. It is estimated that between 150,000 and 250,000 babies are born each year worldwide with clefts...