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577 results found

How I Do It - Approaches to acne treatment: LED therapy

The complexity of acne stems both from its pathogenesis that involves a series of events, including follicular hyperconification, increased sebum production, colonisation of Propionibacterium (P) acnes, and inflammation [1] and its range of symptoms that are unique to each individual....

Treatment of rosacea using pulsed dye laser

Rosacea is a common chronic cutaneous inflammatory condition estimated to affect 415 million people worldwide [1]. It characteristically affects the central face and its primary features include flushing, non-transient erythema, telangiectasia and in progressive stages papules and pustules. Secondarily, it...

In conversation with Mr Marc Pacifico (2019)

We were delighted to chat to Mr Marc Pacifico, BAAPS Council Member, about his career in plastic surgery and plans for this year’s Annual Meeting. You are internationally recognised in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery – can you tell...

How I Do It - Approaches to acne treatment: Nd:YAG laser

Acne is common among individuals who experience a condition of hyperactive pilosebaceous units (precipitation and mobility of keratinocytes). A specific T-cell mediated inflammatory response is the initiating event in acne pathogenesis, followed by comedone formation. The mechanism of inflammation is...

In conversation with Emanuele Bartoletti (2024)

We were delighted to catch up with Dr Emanuele Bartoletti, President of Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica (SIME), about the latest news from the society. You have been involved with SIME for many years now; what have been the highlights...

Facial aesthetics and orthognathic surgery

Most maxillofacial procedures have an aesthetic element. Reconstructive procedures and surgery to correct congenital abnormalities such as cleft lip have an obvious aesthetic impact. When making surgical incisions for access to the underlying facial skeleton consideration will be made to...

Preservation rhinoplasty

Hump reduction and osteotomies to close the open roof, or lowering the whole nasal dorsum? Charles East explains how preservation techniques can improve outcomes by maintaining the integral structures of the nose. What is preservation rhinoplasty? The origins of reduction...

In conversation with Dr Yannis Alexandrides

We were delighted to chat to Dr Yannis Alexandrides, the American and British board certified Plastic Surgeon, specialising in facial reconstructive surgery. You are internationally renowned in the field of plastic surgery – what made you choose this as a...

In conversation with Dr Portia Goldsmith

We spoke to Portia Goldsmith about her career in dermatology, her ascension to the Presidency of the RSM Dermatology Section, and inspirations through her career. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of...

Cleft lip and palate care in low resource countries

The author explains why the traditional ‘humanitarian mission’ style of charity work needs to change and how the charity CLEFT is making an impact. It is estimated that between 150,000 and 250,000 babies are born each year worldwide with clefts...

Perceptions and Deceptions a personal blog by the editor 22 Apr 2016

The junior doctors in the UK are facing the reality that if they hold steady there is the very real prospect that ‘an elite group of professional people’ can topple a corrupt and dishonest Government and restore the balance of...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 14 December 2016

A Death in Hong Kong: an evolving essay and insight into medicine and the law in contemporary Hong Kong (part five) Whilst the death of Zoey Leung was now the focus of a criminal investigation I found myself dealing with...