You searched for "healing"

1059 results found

The life cycles and biological end pathways of dermal fillers

This is an extremely comprehensive and well-designed study of short-term and long-term degradable fillers as well as permanent fillers. Having identified and reviewed 109 relevant manuscripts between 2001 and 2013, Ahn and Rao have produced an excellent paper on this...

Business recovery and relaunch: how to grow your patient base in the new economy

As the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be felt, many aesthetic practitioners are facing an uncertain future. In this invaluable article Pam Underdown provides expert advice on how to survive and grow stronger than ever. The global...

Maximising treatment outcomes with skin peels

The author provides a comprehensive overview of skin peels as one of the main treatment options for the improvement of photodamage, hyperpigmentation and mild acne, whilst reinforcing that aesthetic practitioners have a responsibility to inform patients of all the available...

Could a technology from the past change skin disinfection for the future?

It wouldn’t be unreasonable to argue that the field of medicine has seen some of the most significant scientific advances of the past 100 years: the cracking of genetic coding, the advances in pharmacology, the development of biopharmaceuticals and the...

A new technique for correction of medial ectropion with a lax medial canthal tendon

This is a prospective study of a new technique for repair of medial ectropion associated with medial canthal tendon (MCT) laxity. The procedure was performed on 79 eyes and involved excision of an ellipse of tissue from below the punctum...

Using growth factors in skincare protocols to elevate patient results

All patients embarking on an aesthetic journey should be introduced to the importance of skin and why a healthy skin canvas is fundamental in producing the best possible surgical and non-surgical results. Investing in a carefully curated skincare regime can...

Bleach peeling for melasma

Identifying and treating melasma is a continued challenge in aesthetic practice and the dermatologist author shares an insightful piece outlining some of the treatment options for topical bleach peel depigmenting approaches. A brief summary of current literature findings are explored...

In conversation with Professor Peter Adamson

We were delighted to catch up with Peter A Adamson, Professor of the Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, University of Toronto. Professor Peter A Adamson. Can you tell us a...

The creation of PlayDoh<sup>®</sup> models as an educational tool for teaching anatomy of the eyelid

A full understanding of the anatomy of the eyelid is essential for oculoplastic surgeons; the authors guide us through an innovative way to improve the teaching of this important subject. An understanding of the anatomy of the eyelid is essential...

Modern laser-assisted acne therapy in practice

Laser and light-based technologies have expanded the therapeutic arsenal for acne, and can improve the skin appearance of inflammatory acne and scarring in a short time, which increases patient compliance and satisfaction. Acne is an inflammatory dermatosis in which pathophysiological...

Laser and light based hair removal

Laser hair removal is a popular, and constantly evolving, treatment. Professor Paolo Bonan and colleagues provide us with a comprehensive overview and some ‘top tips’ for how to make the procedure as safe and effective as possible. Hair removal, also...

Want to do exciting entrepreneurial research? – ask the space scientists

Advances in medical technology have improved the quality of life for people around the globe and contributed towards a general increase in life expectancy. Much of this can be attributed to a synthesis between the experience of medical professionals and...