You searched for "Surgical"

701 results found

Post-cancer prosthodontic reconstruction

A functional outcome after head and neck cancer resection is aimed at restoring speech and swallow. Dental reconstruction greatly facilitates this, particularly by enabling the patient to chew food. The authors reinforce the need for careful presurgical planning with treatment...

Body dysmorphia disorder in the cosmetic clinic: a novel encrypted screening approach

In the following article and case study, the condition of body dysmorphia disorder (BDD) is examined in the context of its pathogenesis and the role of the cosmetic practitioner. BDD is a problem that affects patients on a deeply personal...

First signs of late nodal metastases

This is a retrospective review of 65 patients who had late metastases during follow-up after initial curative treatment. They analyse the detection methods of palpation, ultrasound, CT and subjective symptoms. Palpation detected the nodes in 31 patients, ultrasound in 17,...

Exploration of more effective neurorrhaphy in facial nerve reconstruction

This study was laboratory based and focused on different types of end-to-side neurorraphy, and their effects on treating partial facial paralysis. The ultimate aim of this study was to determine which end-to-side neurorraphy produced the greatest axonal growth across the...

Treating laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers with pharyngolaryngectomy

The debate amongst head and neck surgeons, as to whether a skin flap or enteric flap offers superior outcomes in pharyngeal reconstruction, still rumbles on. The evidence pool is very shallow, even accounting for the so-called ‘landmark’ papers that swung...

Old age and postoperative complications of head and neck free flaps

This review examined the relationship between free flap survival in older patients and whether this correlated with specific co-morbid conditions and a ‘cut off’ age.The authors did exclude some papers that specifically focused on one co-morbid condition, such as diabetes,...

In vivo animals model shows no disadvantages of osteosynthesis with pins compared to titanium screws for condylar fractures

The advantages of resorbable pins have been proved in craniofacial surgeries. Here the authors extend its use to fractures of the condylar head, which are surgically challenging. The authors aimed to compare in vivo, the stability of fixation of condylar...

Mohs and Cutaneous Surgery - Maximizing Aesthetic Outcomes

This text is a well written review of the techniques available to maximise postoperative outcomes after Mohs and cutaneous surgery. Topics include intraoperative surgical techniques with tips and tricks to try to achieve optimal postoperative scars, complications in Mohs surgery,...

Recent developments in facelift surgery

Early facelifting procedures were documented in the 1900s, where skin undermining with excess skin excision along the hairline was performed. The 1970s witnessed a major change with an upsurge in public interest in facelift surgery, which led to innovative changes...

VITASPARK - a career counselling service with a difference!

Focusing on the needs of today’s surgical trainees, Vitaspark has been created and curated by Aishan Patil, a Scottish surgical SpR, and colleagues.

Aesthetic Surgery Techniques: A Case-Based Approach

To have a different approach in plastic surgical techniques is always welcome. This multi-author book, with chapters written by a number of contributors who read like a ‘who’s who’ of plastic surgery, is a very useful addition to your bookshelf....

Facial Surgery - Plastic and Reconstructive

This two-volume textbook is presented well both outside and in. The editors and the contributors represent a collection of various specialties involved in aesthetic and reconstructive facial surgery. The focus of the book is stated clearly – to promote the...