You searched for "research"

716 results found

How I Do It - Lip augmentation: new rejuvenation with Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser

Lip augmentation has become progressively popular in recent years, reflecting cultural trends in youth and beauty. Research suggests that the ‘ideal lip’ should have the following characteristics: fullness and volume, correct balance between the upper and lower lips, and a...

How I Do It - Vaginal rejuvenation - Er:YAG laser therapy

I began doing research in 2010 on vaginal laser tissue induction to achieve vaginal tightening and sexual enhancement. I started noticing an improvement of continence in patients who were leaking. I was very excited about the results and more than...

Hand rejuvenation with injectable fillers

The author, an internationally recognised aesthetic dermatologist and Faculty Member for this year’s 5CC meeting in Barcelona, provides an expert guide to the use of injectable fillers in hand rejuvenation. Ageing of the hands can result in discrepancy between a...

A suggested management pathway for rhinophyma and benign superficial skin lesions that includes the use of plasma

Rhinophyma is an aesthetic embarrassment to many people. It is the result of sebaceous gland hyperplasia within the skin over the alar cartilages of the nose. It has a familial tendency and in addition to being unsightly it can commonly...

A short overview of the evolution of botulinum toxin type A formulations

Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) is a potent neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum [1]. BoNT-A has been used for various therapeutic and aesthetic purposes, including the treatment of muscle disorders, chronic pain and facial wrinkles [2-4]. Over the...

Topical phenytoin effect on pressure ulcers healing: A literature review of the evidence

A pressure ulcer (PU) is a localised injury to the skin and / or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, because of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear (EPUAP/ NPUAP 2009/PPPPIA 2014). Bennett et al. [1] claimed total...

In conversation with Uliana Gout

We were delighted to catch up with Dr Uliana Gout, President of the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM), about her career and plans for the College. Can you tell us a little bit about why you initially chose to...

Skin transition during the menopause

Menopause, which begins one year after the last period, can bring with it some noticeable changes to skin and hair. As hormone levels drop, skin can become dry, slack, less elastic and thin. It can also cause more facial hair...

New game, new playing field: plastic surgery interviews in COVID-19

COVID-19 has drastically altered social norms. Anyone who dares to shake your hand, step within a two metre radius, or not wear their face mask is awarded disapproving looks. These public health precautions are now impacting plastic surgery residency recruitment,...

In conversation with Professor James Frame

Professor James Frame. Can you give us a bit of background as to why UKAAPS was set up and what the association focuses on? The UK Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery was founded at a meeting of like-minded plastic surgeons...

How I Do It - Earfold<sup>®</sup>: A new technique for the correction of prominent ears

To follow on from the last issue of PMFA News (now The PMFA Journal) in which we featured two different approaches to otoplasty (see HERE and HERE) Dalvi Humzuh, Sub-Editor for the section, approached Norbert Kang, Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive...

Case Study: Combination therapy with energy-based devices for improvement of facial photodamage, skin laxity and textural irregularities

Renowned dermatologist Michael Gold takes us through why combination therapies are becoming increasingly popular in facial rejuvenation. Combination therapies with energy-based devices (EBDs) have become very popular in cosmetic and aesthetic surgical circles. This applies to both the more invasive...