You searched for "photo"

138 results found

Laser and light based hair removal

Laser hair removal is a popular, and constantly evolving, treatment. Professor Paolo Bonan and colleagues provide us with a comprehensive overview and some ‘top tips’ for how to make the procedure as safe and effective as possible. Hair removal, also...

Combined procedures: lipo-abdominoplasty and lipo-inner thighplasty (string technique) and face rejuvenation

From liposuction to adipose stem cells; from regenerative medicine to tissue engineering; and a vision of the future. Part 2 With the evolution of superficial suction lipectomy in the 1990’s the need for skin resection became less common and the...

In conversation with Derek Mendonca

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what made you decide on a career as a paediatric plastic surgeon? I was born and raised in Bahrain, in the Middle East. My parents, both from Managlore in India,...

The safety of performing elective dermatological procedures under local anaesthetic during the COVID-19 pandemic

During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, guidance advised postponement of elective procedures except for time-critical local anaesthetic (LA) procedures [1-3]; our NHS Trust therefore continued with LA skin malignancy surgery. All patients having possible skin cancer lesions removed...

Letter from Hong Kong (13 April 2020)

Now is not the time to start spreading blame. There will be time for that later. At the same time, now, is the time to recognise the great courage required in true leadership.

How I Do It - Patient selection in aesthetic medicine

After taking a full medical history of the patient I ask what their concerns are and why they have come in to see me that day. In addition, I perform a psychological assessment of the patient to get a deeper...

CQC regulators and private hospitals need more common sense

There is a fundamental flaw in the way regulatory bodies are allowed to pressure and scare perfectly functioning private hospitals. Invariably the regulators themselves are of ordinary stock and have to justify their salaries by increasing administrative workloads on others....

Is point of care ultrasonography just an inscrutable snowstorm or is it here to stay?

To non-radiologists ultrasound may always look like a snowstorm . . . so unless you are the one holding the scanner and moving it over the patient with some idea of their history, it is difficult to know what you...

Glow like a queen

Dr Vincent Wong explains why skin health is particularly important when it comes to treating drag queens and how to help them glow. In an era of gender fluidity, facial masculinisation and feminisation treatments are rising in popularity. As we...

Virtual learning post lockdown

The rapid onset and intensity of the COVID-19 pandemic has required some radical changes in most areas of our professional lives, including a chance to update traditional approaches to learning. Virtual learning is the use of remote video conferencing software,...

Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 9 December 2016

A Death in Hong Kong: an evolving essay and insight into medicine and the law in contemporary Hong Kong (part three). In the ensuing few months I came up with this idea of an Institute of Aesthetic Medicine. Chris Howse?...

In conversation with Dr Uliana Gout

We recently caught up with Dr Uliana Gout, re-elected President of the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM), about the College’s 20th anniversary year, its plans for 2022 and how it has supported members throughout the pandemic. Are you enjoying...