You searched for "anaesthesia"

789 results found

Risk factors for loco regional recurrence for oral SCC

Over a quarter of a million cases of oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) are diagnosed annually worldwide with 128,000 registered deaths. In spite of much-improved anaesthetic and surgical techniques, survival rates have not improved much over the past three decades....

Sialendoscopy assisted excision of parotid stones

This is a retrospective paper from China that looks to assess the efficacy and safety of sialendoscopy with a combined transoral or transcutaneous approach for the removal of parotid stones. Sialolithiasis is known to be a major cause for obstructive...

Z-plasty release of congenital muscular torticollis

Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is common in neonates, with a frequency of 0.3% to 2%, and usually responds to passive stretching below the age of one year. This study evaluated the results of performing an inferior Z-plasty release of the...

Acid attacks: part 2

The PMFA Journal Editor Andrew Burd continues with his exploration of the optimum treatment protocol for managing the devastating injuries wrought by acid attacks (see Part 1 here). In part one of this series I outlined the evolution of my...

In conversation with Derek Mendonca

Can you tell us a bit about your background and what made you decide on a career as a paediatric plastic surgeon? I was born and raised in Bahrain, in the Middle East. My parents, both from Managlore in India,...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 14) – Records of necessary information: Drugs Administered and the physiological response of the patient

It is the system that places the Judge as an interpreter of “truths” and sadly, susceptible to false information.

Combination therapy for PIH in skin of colour

Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is very common in skin of colour with up to 65% of African, Hispanic, and Asian populations experiencing symptoms from acne and up to 90% of patients experiencing symptoms from pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) [1,2]. PIH can be...

How I Do It - Scar treatment with sequential combination of short full beam and photo-acoustic fractional 1064nm QS laser

Wound healing takes place by two distinct mechanisms. The first involves cellular proliferation and migration resulting in regeneration. This occurs in the epidermis and leaves no scarring. The dermis is a collagen-rich connective tissue and when this is damaged the...

How I Do It - Combination treatment of acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is a common, globally recognised, chronic condition. According to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, acne vulgaris affects approximately 85% of young adults aged 12-25 years [1]. Acne vulgaris is a disease affecting the pilosebaceous unit (PSU)...

How I Do It - Treating cellulite: TightSculpting

At the Teknon Medical Center, Barcelona, Spain, in the Laser Platform of the Institute of Fotomedicine, we practise laser medicine in dermatology, surgical and gynaecology applications. For unwanted fat removal, we use radiofrequency, cryolipolysis and laser lipolysis. Three years ago...

BAS (British Association of Sclerotherapists) 2019 Conference

Report by Hilary Furber, BAS Operations Manager. An enthusiastic group of over 80 surgeons, doctors and nurses gathered in May at the magnificent lakeside Eton Dorney Conference Centre near Windsor for the British Association of Sclerotherapists’ (BAS) 2019 Conference. This...

How I Do It - Treating the ageing neck with Ellevate™ plus

The ageing and sagging neck cannot always be successfully corrected using standard facelift techniques, even those that include extensive SMAS lift [1]. Adjuncts to treatment can include liposuction, radiofrequency or similar skin tightening procedures, open or closed platysmaplasty, extensive SMAS...