You searched for "BAAPS"

324 results found

Support groups for hidradenitis suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is an inflammatory condition characterised by painful inflamed nodules in the apocrine regions of the body. It follows a chronic relapsing clinical course and is a very difficult condition to treat. It has an estimated prevalence of...

The incidence of non-surgical rejuvenation in facial aesthetic surgery

Non-surgical facial rejuvenation has increased exponentially in the last 20–30 years in a society which demands immediate results with minimal downtime. The overall UK market is estimated at £3.6 billion annually. The use of facial injectables increased by 7000% between...


Although the lesion known as Xanthelasma was first described by Addison and Gall in 1851 [1] it was recorded some 300 years previously in the famous painting of the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. In this painting, Leonardo da...

Recent developments in facelift surgery

Early facelifting procedures were documented in the 1900s, where skin undermining with excess skin excision along the hairline was performed. The 1970s witnessed a major change with an upsurge in public interest in facelift surgery, which led to innovative changes...

Aye, Aye. AI?

This is the first in a series of blogs where I look at artificial intelligence (AI) beyond the horizon. To do so, I must present the evidence that takes us to the horizon and then, using both experience and imagination,...

A Timeline of Plastic Surgery

Where did the name ‘plastic’ surgery come from? It is probable that the first use of the term was by the German von Graefe in his book Rhinoplastik published in 1818. The intention was to describe the moulding of tissue...

Encyclopedia of Aesthetic Rejuvenation Through Volume Enhancement

The publication of this reference book on volume enhancement in aesthetic surgery is timely. Volume replacement, whether with fat, fillers, or permanent implants, plays a key role in rejuvenation and beautification of the face and body. This book gives a...

Old age and postoperative complications of head and neck free flaps

This review examined the relationship between free flap survival in older patients and whether this correlated with specific co-morbid conditions and a ‘cut off’ age.The authors did exclude some papers that specifically focused on one co-morbid condition, such as diabetes,...

In conversation with Cameron McIntosh

We were delighted to catch up with Cameron McIntosh, ENT and Facial Plastic Surgeon and Founding President of the Society of Rhinoplasty Surgeons of South Africa (SORSSA). Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the...

Perceptions and Deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 5 October 2016

And there was me thinking Hong Kong is in a bit of a political mess! What an extraordinary few weeks in the UK as far as medicine is concerned. After months of insisting that he, The Right Honorable Jeremy Hunt,...

Skin dyspigmentation induced by triamcinolone injection treated with Nd:YAG picosecond laser in combination with polynucleotides

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves the use of injectable fillers to improve the shape of the nose without surgery. There are many different materials available on the market such as hyaluronic acid, collagen stimulators, etc. Silicone...

HA dermal filler with lidocaine: initial clinical outcomes

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a natural occurring body polysaccharide essential for various body functions, present in connective tissues, skin, vitreous humour of eye, extracellular matrix, synovial fluid, etc [1]. It was first isolated in bovine vitreous by Mayer and Palmer...