You searched for "symmetry"

195 results found

Bruxism: a practical guide to treatment with botulinum toxin type A

The aetiology of bruxism is outlined and referenced, giving a clear context to the reader. Recommended treatment options are listed, with a brief summary of the evidence concerning pharmaceutical options, oral appliances, splints, psychology and physiotherapy. The author discusses a...

Use of photodynamic therapy in the management of papulopustular rosacea

The author presents a review of the current evidence on the use of topical photodynamic therapy (PDT) for treating papulopustular rosacea, initially with a brief overview of the aetiology of the disease and licensed treatment options, before exploring the context...

Risks and benefits of sunlight exposure

The author provides a timely summary of recently published National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) (2016) guidance regarding the risks and benefits of sunlight exposure and capturing the challenges which face healthcare professionals in communicating key messages focusing...

Management of the eye in facial paralysis

Ocular prevention is the first and foremost priority in the management of the patient with facial paralysis. John J Chi presents a review on the management of the upper and lower eyelid in cases of the paralysed face. In the...

Surgical exposures of the hand

This paper by Watt and Chung gives the reader an overview of hand anatomy, comments upon the aesthetics of hand surgery and summarizes some surgical approaches to the hand. The introduction presents a concise overview of the relevant anatomy of...

The role of thrombolytics in acute and chronic occlusion of the hand

In keeping with much of this edition of the Hand Clinics journal, this article accurately and appropriately sets out the background, epidemiology and current approach to management of acute and chronic upper limb ischaemia. The background sections ease the reader...

The role of botulinum toxin in vasospastic disorders of the hand

We were interested to read the review article by Dr Neumeister titled, The Role of Botulinum Toxin in Vasospastic Disorders of the Hand. The paper provided a thorough summary of Raynaud phenomenon, including the history of the disorder, associated conditions,...

Exposure of the forearm and distal radius

Klausmeyer and Mudgal are a plastic surgeon from Colorado and an orthopaedic surgeon from Boston, respectively, who both specialise in hand surgery. In this article the authors describe the approaches to the forearm and distal radius. They commenced with a...

Body contouring surgery: Use common sense!

This informative article, which kicks off this excellent edition of Clinics in Plastic Surgery, provides a sensible and balanced review of when, why and what to do with the massive weight loss patient group. The recommended wisdom will be familiar...

The life cycles and biological end pathways of dermal fillers

This is an extremely comprehensive and well-designed study of short-term and long-term degradable fillers as well as permanent fillers. Having identified and reviewed 109 relevant manuscripts between 2001 and 2013, Ahn and Rao have produced an excellent paper on this...

Choosing anaesthesia for oral surgery

This article offers guidance in choosing the most appropriate modality of anaesthesia for oral surgery and the setting in which it is delivered. It attempts to classify the different types of anaesthesia into local anaesthesia, sedation, which it further sub...

Superficial lymphatics of the abdominal wall in lymphatic microsurgery

This elegant and beautifully illustrated article requires to be carefully studied in its entirety by any surgeon planning to carry out lymphovenous anastomoses or vascularised lymph node transfer in the groin area. As the authors point out, the most difficult...