You searched for "maxillo-facial"

150 results found

Cutaneous Malignancies: A Surgical Perspective

This is a very informative reference text. Twelve chapters have been written specifically for those involved with dermatological surgery. In the UK several specialties may be involved in the surgical management of cutaneous malignancies from dermatologists to plastic and maxillofacial...

Use of spacers for mandibular defects after resection of mandible preceding definitive osseous reconstruction

The authors propose the use of rigid polyethylene and silicon spacers in mandibular defects as an interim measure before definitive osseous reconstruction after mandibular resections for locally aggressive benign disease. The authors point out that the current intermediate reconstruction systems...

Risks of tracheostomy in head and neck cancer

Tracheostomy is an accepted surgical procedure that is one of the oldest ways of securing the airway. It is widely accepted to protect the airway after big cases of head and neck cancer and especially following free flap reconstruction. It...

Using autologous blood to reduce post-operative infections

The removal of impacted wisdom teeth is a commonly carried out surgical procedure in maxillofacial surgery. Apart from the usual complications of postoperative bleeding and wound infection, the most painful one is alveolar osteitis. This is mainly dependent on retaining...

Impact of medical NGOs and a new collaborative approach: the case of Guinea with Mercy Ships

Mercy Ships (MS) is a global Christian charity that follows the 2000-year-old model of Jesus to bring hope and healing to those suffering from disability, disfigurement, and disease. This article by Professor Diallo and Drs Ugai and Conde, details a...

IN RESPONSE TO: Plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine - specialties and specialists

I read with great interest the article ‘Plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine: specialties and specialists’ by Professor Andrew Burd published in the Feb/Mar issue of PMFA News. Prof Burd brings up many valid points about the specialty of plastic surgery...

Emergenza Sorrisi – Doctors for Smiling Children

History Our association was born in 2007, originally under the name SmileTrain Italy Onlus, with the aim of operating on children affected by cleft lip and palate in the developing world, offering them the possibility to smile and to have...

Mid-facial augmentation with malar implants

The authors guide us through facial augmentation using implants to restore volume and a youthful appearance. In today’s ‘selfie-obsessed’ culture, there is no other anatomical region which carries greater social prestige and importance, than a well-proportioned ‘youthful’ face. In particular,...

Old dogs can learn new tricks: the use of an often overlooked treatment modality for pathologically fractured mandibles

Figure 1: Timeline detailing key events in the patient’s treatment. Whilst commonly affecting the feet, spine and hips in adults, osteomyelitis (OM) can also present to the oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS) clinic as pathology of the jaws. Case reports...

Coronavirus: useful resources

This list will be updated as new sources of information emerge – let us know if there are any resources we should be listing here by emailing

Training in Facial Plastic Surgery in the UK

Following the Keogh report earlier this year into the quality of cosmetic surgery in the UK, surgical training into cosmetic surgery is high on the agenda. A Cosmetic Surgery Interspecialty Committee at the Royal College of Surgeons will be discussing...