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342 results found

How I Do It - The original Blue Peel

The original Blue Peel is a highly controlled, trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-based device procedure, which was created to augment the results achieved with the Obagi Nu-Derm® skin health transformation system. The peel process, including the preparation of skin, application, as well...

An overview of chemical peels

Chemical peels form an important part of most aesthetic and cosmetic practices. They are an affordable procedure for patients and significant results can be achieved. Generally chemical peels are a safe procedure, but only if used correctly and with caution....

New approaches to soft tissue reconstruction involving adipose tissue engineering

Introduction The spectrum of patients affected by subcutaneous tissue loss is both wide and varied, including those who have undergone tumour removal, trauma patients, such as those injured in road traffic accidents, and individuals who have suffered from deep burns...

The mission to provide equal access for the treatment of port wine stain birthmarks

The Vascular Birthmarks Foundation (VBF) is the leading charity in the world for networking individuals with vascular birthmarks, anomalies, and related syndromes (VBARS) into proper medical treatment. The VBF currently monitors over 80,000 individuals / families, worldwide, who are affected...

Could a technology from the past change skin disinfection for the future?

It wouldn’t be unreasonable to argue that the field of medicine has seen some of the most significant scientific advances of the past 100 years: the cracking of genetic coding, the advances in pharmacology, the development of biopharmaceuticals and the...

Gross Negligence Manslaughter in Healthcare: The medico-legal dilemma (part 16) – Aggravating factors

The Judge just cannot say, “Lee’s airway and oxygenation were not established or maintained”. This is nonsensical from the perspective of a person trained in medicine. Even more senseless from a person who is not. If Lee’s airway was not established and maintained, how did Lee survive a three-hour operation, albeit in the prone position and without developing any signs of cyanosis?

Focus on: Cosmeceuticals (part 2)

To start the second part (see also Definitions, regulations and a review of the market and Skin anatomy and photoageing and Focus on: Cosmeceuticals (part 2) - continued) of this special focus on cosmeceuticals the authors will present some of...

Facial veins – diagnosis and treatment options

Facial veins can be treated with a wide range of aesthetic and surgical procedures. Victoria Smith and Professor Mark Whiteley, both experts in the area, provide a comprehensive overview of diagnosis and the different treatment options available. Patients with unwanted...

Case Study: Combination therapy with energy-based devices for improvement of facial photodamage, skin laxity and textural irregularities

Renowned dermatologist Michael Gold takes us through why combination therapies are becoming increasingly popular in facial rejuvenation. Combination therapies with energy-based devices (EBDs) have become very popular in cosmetic and aesthetic surgical circles. This applies to both the more invasive...

Fractional laser treatment for medical skin diseases

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Perceptions and deceptions: a personal blog by the editor 21 July 2016

It must be bloggers block! The information incoming is just too great to handle. I have cross-posted about this blog in an editorial I have just written for our magazine. I am revisiting the inquest of a girl that died...

Forehead rhytides – anatomy and neuromodulator treatment

This article refines our understanding surrounding the forehead in general and more specifically of the anatomy and function of frontalis, a common target for anti-wrinkle injections. The author enrolled a cohort of volunteers with a wide range of ethnic backgrounds...