You searched for "female"

194 results found

How I Do It - Primary rejuvenation upper blepharoplasty – tips from an oculoplastic surgeon

Preoperative For me the preoperative stage is actually the most important part in the patient’s journey and can take much longer than the actual operation itself. It takes me about 45-60 minutes to assess, counsel and consent for a primary...

Early treatment of scars with laser therapy

Wound healing is a complex process, made up of three phases that overlap with each other: inflammation, proliferation and remodelling [1]. The last phase is the remodelling of the extracellular matrix resulting in a mature scar; it lasts from three...

New IPL technology as treatment for melasma

Background Melasma is an acquired refractory pigmented skin disease. It is a complex multifactorial disorder and its pathogenesis has not yet been fully elucidated. Risk factors include genetic predisposition, sun exposure, stress, medications, and pregnancy. Melasma is divided into three...

In conversation with Mary O'Brien

We were delighted to catch up with Mary O'Brien, Consultant Plastic and Hand Surgeon and President of the BAAPS, about her career and plans for the association. Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the...

In conversation with Mr Marc Pacifico (2019)

We were delighted to chat to Mr Marc Pacifico, BAAPS Council Member, about his career in plastic surgery and plans for this year’s Annual Meeting. You are internationally recognised in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery – can you tell...

Combination therapy for PIH in skin of colour

Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) is very common in skin of colour with up to 65% of African, Hispanic, and Asian populations experiencing symptoms from acne and up to 90% of patients experiencing symptoms from pseudofolliculitis barbae (PFB) [1,2]. PIH can be...

Treatment of striae utilising the Frax 1550™ on the Nordlys™ System

Striae distensae, or stretch marks, are a common dermatologic condition caused by excessive mechanical stretching of the skin with damage to dermal elastic fibres [1]. The lesions are arranged perpendicular to the direction of skin tension. Striae are often associated...

CO₂ laser treatment for burn scars

Background Scars, of any type, can be a significant source of anxiety and psychological distress, not only for the affected patient, but also for close friends and loved ones. Scars represent focalised areas of fibrous tissue that replace normal skin...

PhilArt next for 35-year-old knee scar

In our dynamic field, staying ahead means embracing innovation, and understanding the evolving preferences of both practitioners and patients; recognising the trends that shape our industry. The biostimulator injections’ market has rapidly risen to prominence, ranking among the top three...

Lip lift with bull-horn flap for lip and nasal reconstruction

This 54-year-old female patient had a basal cell carcinoma (BCC) excised from the junction of her right upper lip and nasal sill, with the BCC extending onto the lower rim of her right nasal alar (Figure 1). The patient wanted...

Revolutionising paediatric burn scar management: Unleashing the potential of stromal vascular fraction

Burn injuries often result in challenging scars that impact the aesthetic appearance and also pose functional and psychological concerns for the affected individuals. Traditional approaches to treating burn scars have primarily relied on skin grafts, requiring donor sites and often...

Cellulite therapy in 2022 – new treatment options making grades for the new year

World-renowned dermatologist Michael H Gold introduces two of the newest FDA-approved modalities for the treatment of the common skin condition cellulite. Cellulite is one of the most common skin concerns for women. It is estimated that between 80-98% of women...