You searched for "Reconstructive"

704 results found

Treatment of established facial palsy with botulinum toxin followed by half mirror exercises

Seventeen patients with unilateral facial palsy for more than a year were treated with botulinum toxin injections to relieve symptoms of facial synkinesis or hyperkinetic movements. Three injections were given at six to eight month intervals, followed by daily half...

Perforator Flaps – Anatomy, Technique, & Clinical Application (2nd Edition)

The two-volume second edition of this great work is simply an essential component of all good plastic surgery libraries, both as an inspiring read and a valuable reference. The second edition mirrors the first in its basic structure and layout,...

The role of skin camouflage and micropigmentation in the fields of burns and plastic surgery

Many patients who survive major burns, suffer a traumatic injury or undergo reconstructive surgery following cancer are left with both physical but also psychological sequelae. Sometimes early psychological difficulties improve with the passage of time with support from friends and...

Facial sensory rehabilitation

The authors of this paper show the results of their method for facial sensory rehabilitation using cross-face sural nerve grafts in three patients. All three patients had hemifacial anaesthesia after trauma or intracranial tumour resections and their symptoms varied from...

The effect of skin graft contracture when using artificial dermis

This is a report of a prospective clinical trial performed in a single centre in Seoul, South Korea. The group attempted to observe the change in size of skin grafts applied to an artificial dermal substitute (matriderm). Two groups of...

Another paper advocating resection templates

Resection in the head and neck region leads to complex defects with significant impairment in function. Reconstruction is even more difficult and to improve the accuracy of both resection and reconstruction a number of aids are used. With the improved...

ERAS in microvascular breast reconstruction

Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is an important concept in today’s accountancy dominated hospitals, effectively decreasing the length of stay (LOS) of postoperative patients. This is something that surgeons will have to consider – or have protocols foisted upon them...

­Distal edge necrosis in cervicofacial rotation-advancement flaps

Mohs facial reconstructive surgery can be a difficult process for a patient to undergo. The goal of facial reconstruction is to restore contour, function and aesthetics while minimising morbidity. The authors conducted a review of 88 patients who underwent cervicofacial...

Eyelid and Periorbital Surgery

Many specialities in surgery intersect, allowing for clinical and research collaboration. Plastic surgery and ophthalmology are one such example wherein a number of different principles have been combined in order to develop reconstructive techniques for conditions affecting the orbital soft...

Mirror image orbital implants in enopthalmus

This is a review from Chile of five patients who underwent surgery utilising customised implants. Two methods to make the titanium implants were used between the five patients. All patients had diplopia in the gaze position prior to implant placement....

Postoperative antibiotics after a free flap surgery – is one dose enough?

Major head and neck surgery with ablation of oral cancer, neck dissection and free flap reconstruction is a well-established part of maxillofacial surgery. These patients however already have significant co-morbidities and together with a long operation, large wounds open for...

Cheek and lip reconstruction

The authors present a well-structured review of the reconstruction of cutaneous defects of the cheek and lip. They present new findings that have an impact on the planning and understanding of local flaps for the reconstruction of both areas. Integrated...