You searched for "ear reconstruction"

490 results found

Aesthetics and Functionality in Ear Reconstruction

Recent years have brought important refinements to the approach and techniques of functional and aesthetic ear reconstruction. Aesthetics and Functionality in Ear Reconstruction by R Staudenmaier is an excellent book providing concise but detailed overview on the state of the...

A review of reconstruction of the burned ear

The exposed location of the ear, combined with its thin skin and subcutaneous tissue makes it prone to full thickness burn injuries. As a result, deformity and disfigurement of the ear is a common sequelae of burns. This is a...

Post-cancer prosthodontic reconstruction

A functional outcome after head and neck cancer resection is aimed at restoring speech and swallow. Dental reconstruction greatly facilitates this, particularly by enabling the patient to chew food. The authors reinforce the need for careful presurgical planning with treatment...

Skin grafts vs local flaps in reconstruction of nasal defects

Nasal defects commonly are a result of removal of skin lesions. Cosmetic outcomes of local flap reconstructions are commonly accepted to be superior in comparison to skin grafts. However, local flap reconstructions require more adjunctive procedures than single-stage operations based...

Cheek reconstruction following melanoma excision

Malignant melanoma occurs most commonly on the cheek and thus are usually diagnosed early, rarely needing large reconstructions following advanced disease. This is a retrospective looking at 26 patients identified that had undergone treatment for cheek melanomas between 1996 and...

Money saving using CAD-CAM in mandibular reconstruction

Computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) are an exciting dimension in the functional and accurate reconstruction of the oral cavity. The fibula is commonly used for mandibular reconstruction as a free flap. This straight bone needs to be...

The superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator flap in intraoral reconstruction

There can be little disagreement that a groin flap, or one of its derivatives, can leave behind a scar which is without problems (except, perhaps to a pole dancer). Thus popularisation of such a flap is much to be desired,...

CAD/CAM assisted mandibular reconstruction free hand: is there a difference?

The gold standard for the reconstruction of the mandible is a free bony flap, the fibula is commonly used. The fibula is a straight bone and indeed all the other donor sites present various other considerations and difficulties, to allow...

Principles of Facial Reconstruction: A Subunit Approach to Cutaneous Repair

Principles of Facial Reconstruction is an excellent book for any trainee in plastic surgery, ENT or maxillofacial surgery. It is a well written book, that subdivides facial reconstruction into each subunit, with different chapters for each area. There are 10...

Multiple free flaps for head and neck cancer

Most patients with advanced head and neck cancers now undergo microvascular free flap reconstruction. This is mainly as flaps facilitate complete tumour and margin removal by providing reliable wound coverage and better restoration of form and function. However, despite this,...

Early facial fat grafting in Treacher Collins syndrome with malar bone grafts

The authors present their experience in three patients with the effect of early fat grafting at ≥6 months of age with later bone reconstruction of the orbitozygomatic area in patients with Treacher Collins syndrome. Fat grafting was performed two to...

Free style facial artery perforator flaps for nasal reconstruction

This is an update from the team of authors that originally described the free style facial artery perforator flap, for one stage nasal reconstruction, in 2009. They now update after 10 years of experience with these freestyle facial artery perforator...