An insightful overview of a specialised topic. The author describes survey findings which indicate a lack of available information to menopausal women about the relationship between vaginal dryness and hormones. Obstacles to affected individuals obtaining specialist input appear to be multi-faceted; the author describes appointment times and structures to be not conducive for patients to discuss intimate concerns, as well as potential fear of being negatively perceived by a young GP. The author actively encourages nurse prescribers who are involved in treating menopausal women to incorporate this sensitive subject into their consultations. The physiological process is explained in depth surrounding the menopause and vaginal dryness, symptoms, patient evaluation and treatment options. A detailed literature review is analysed surrounding local oestrogen-based therapies; vaginal tablets, creams and vaginal rings. An interesting and comprehensive piece for aesthetic nurses considering offering this specialist skill set to their treatment menu; the author advocates that aesthetic nurses are well placed to initiate such discussions with female patients. It may have enhanced the article to have some discussion around some of the side-effects of oestrogen-based treatments and further information as to where aesthetic nurses can access training and online educational resources.

Vaginal dryness and the menopause: hormonal and non-hormonal therapies.
Abernethy K.
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Anna Baker

BJN Aesthetic Nurse of the Year 2016.

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