This paper examines the impact of otoplasty on quality of life. Eighty-one patients who underwent otoplasty were evaluated using questionnaires. They were divided into three age groups: Youth 1 (Y1) = 8-12 years (n = 17), Youth 2 (Y2) = 13-17 years (n = 13), who received a 13-page questionnaire; and Adults ≥18 years (n = 51), who received a 17-page questionnaire. Two groups of tests were used: a standardised self-assessment test on life satisfaction (FLZ), the Glasgow Benefit Inventory (GBI), the standardised Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), the standardised Freiburg Personality Inventory (FPI-R), the Patient Health Questionnaire 4 (PHQ-4), and a self-developed and indication-specific questionnaire for the ‘Adult’ group. The tools for the groups Y1 and Y2 were: PHQ-4, KINDL, the Glasgow Child Benefit Inventory (GCBI), and a self-developed and indication-specific questionnaire either. This study showed that otoplasty has a positive influence on quality of life on patients of all ages (GBI/GCBI (P = 0.000/P = 0.000)). There were lower depression scores (PHQ-4) and a high satisfaction with the aesthetic result. This paper showed that there were improvements in ‘satisfaction with appearance’ and self-esteem. The RSES (P = 0.001) and the FPI-R (P = 0.035) data indicated well-balanced emotional stability postop. This paper demonstrates that otoplasty has a positive effect on quality of life, appearance and self-esteem and adds to the literature.

The psychologic and psychosocial impact of otoplasty on children and adults.
Papadopulos NA, Niehaus R, Keller E, et al.

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Aina Greig

St Thomas' Hospital, London, UK

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