This is an interesting account of the dermatological senescent changes with a strong focus on the pivotal role nurses can provide in promoting good skin health practices. A comprehensive description of underlying physiological changes and the physical manifestations is presented as well as a sound discussion of the evidence base. The article conveys some key messages by reinforcing that older people, particularly women, often have concerns about how they present themselves to the world and are aware that the nature, texture and appearance of their skin is perceived as significant by others. The review underlines the need to take a holistic view of skin health in the older patient and not regard it solely in a medical context. Pertinent recommendations are made for nurses to advise upon personal hygiene guidelines based upon clinical expertise.

Older people and skin: challenging perceptions of the ageing process.
Cowdall F, Garrett D.
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Anna Baker

BJN Aesthetic Nurse of the Year 2016.

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