This review is focussed on how novel nanotech therapeutics can apply to modern plastic surgery. The review does not pose a specific question and, therefore, does not base the review on a particular hypothesis to whether nanotech carries an evidence base for a specific application. The review is logical and well written and gives a glimpse into the main domains of nanotech and regenerative therapeutics. Particularly interesting sections include cybernetic organisms and implantable electronics. Cybernetic tissue could be integrated into living tissue to not only replace the lost ‘part,’ but also to replicate function. The example used is auricular reconstruction and how cybernetics could be a means of creating true bionic tissues to transplant. Similarly, nanogenerators and implantable electronics are already being used to map the mechanical properties of the skin surface at high fidelity. The authors discuss the potential merits of such devices at wound sites, giving us real time information of how a wound is behaving. In addition, such technologies could be used to deliver drugs at measured doses and times to maximise wound care whilst enhancing the patient experience. Moving forward it is clear nanotech has significant funding, interest and application to plastic surgery potentially across wound care, implant materials and creating bionic parts. This paper provides a valuable insight to these domains rather than a specific review.

Nanotechnology and regenerative therapeutics in plastic surgery: the next frontier.
Tan A, Chawla R, Natasha G, et al.
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Daniel B Saleh

Newcastle Hospitals, UK.

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