The author presents a detailed, well-structured review about female hair transplant surgery. Female hair pattern loss usually differs from male hair pattern loss, resulting in regions of the scalp where hair density falls without complete alopecia. Surgery for female patients should therefore be performed in strategic areas to produce maximum impact. Quality, amount and colour of hair need to be considered and defect at harvest site needs to be balanced against a potential outcome. The goal for female hair restoration is increased density, which implies that patients will still be able to see their scalp, just less of it. The article offers a thorough, step-by-step guide on how to counsel a patient, plan the therapy, based on surgical and conservative measures and manage long-term post-procedural care. Identifying a good hair transplant candidate requires a thorough first consultation. Unger presents details, which need to be discussed in order to understand the family and medical history of the patient. The key point of female hair restoration is to appreciate that certain areas of hair loss are of greater importance and increasing the density in those regions has a significant impact on the woman’s appearance. The surgical procedures are presented with meticulous care for details including donor harvest, sequences and patterns of recipient site creation, recipient site density, and angle or direction of graft inset. Unger recommends application of monixidil before and after surgery for improvement of results and treatment of telogen effluvium. Detailed footage helps appreciating therapeutic keypoints and potential results colleagues and patients can expect from surgical hair restoration in women. 

Female hair restoration.
Unger RH.
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Gregor M Bran

Dr Horst Schmidt Kliniken, Wiesbaden, Germany.

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