A useful and detailed paper on the theoretical and practical applications of laser tattoo removal, supported by an overview of the history of the use of lasers. Specifically, the author describes some of the basic laser physics, the assessment of tattoos, the main principles of treatment, and some ‘novel’ protocols and methods to further assist removal, including multi-laser approaches. Types of tattoos described are ‘amateur’ and ‘professional’ with a detailed overview of distinguishing features of both. There is an excellent overview of Q-switched lasers and picosecond lasers in relation to this indication in conjunction with important considerations concerning the consultation and procedure, reinforcing the importance of a ‘cooling-off’ period following the consultation, as well as a test patch. Suggested aftercare protocols are briefly outlined with referenced protocols for assisting with estimation of the number of treatment sessions required. An insightful paper for nurses considering offering this treatment modality in clinic.

Laser treatment of tattoos: procedures and protocols for safe and effective removal.
Conroy F.
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Anna Baker

BJN Aesthetic Nurse of the Year 2016.

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