The correction of lobular deformities continues to represent a challenge during otoplasty, due to its three major anatomic components: the axial angular protrusion, the coronal angular protrusion and the inherent shape. These aspects make controlled lobule repositioning less predictable. The authors of this article present a new surgical concept for correction of the lobule, in which they address all three aspects in an effective way. The fillet technique allows for complete release of all soft-tissue insertions that maintain the deformity. The movement can be adapted in all three dimensions. Based on human cadaveric studies, the new technique is presented with in situ photographs and illustrations. Additional clinical data analysis revealed no immediate or long-term complications associated with this alternative surgical method. The fillet technique of the ear lobe appears to be a safe and efficient method to correct protruded ear lobes in otoplasty. 

Correcting the lobule in otoplasty using the Fillet technique.
Sadick H, Artinger VM, Haubner F, Gassner HG.
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Gregor M Bran

Dr Horst Schmidt Kliniken, Wiesbaden, Germany.

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