This is a poignant article on a prevalent issue of growing concern for prescribing professionals. The importance and serious implications of antibiotic failure are outlined as an important concept for the aesthetic practitioner to comprehend, supported by a detailed account of the causes and mechanisms leading to resistance, as well as the current challenges, such as lack of regulation in certain countries due to availability over the counter. Sobering statistics concerning incorrect prescribing are reported at 30-50% underpinned by current references, as well as implications from the use of antibiotics in agriculture. The author references current guidance from Public Health England (2017) to promote awareness of resources encouraging appropriate prescribing, with an overview of the benefits from antimicrobial stewardship programmes, as well as clinician and patient education, and government review recommendations. This is an area of vital importance to aesthetic medical professionals, owing to the use of antibiotics often required in the management of complications associated with aesthetic non-surgical procedures, encouraging caution and diligence in prescribing rationale. 

Antibiotic resistance: an exploration of its causes and management strategies.
Fromage G.
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Anna Baker

BJN Aesthetic Nurse of the Year 2016.

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