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We were delighted to catch up with Professor Afshin Mosahebi, renowned Plastic Surgeon at UCL, about his career and the new Masters of Surgery (MS) in Aesthetics and Minimally-Invasive Aesthetics.



Can you tell us a little bit about what led you into the field of plastic surgery and what have been the highlights so far?

I was attracted to the area of plastic surgery largely because of the sheer variety of patient problems and potential solutions in each case. For me the real highlight moments are seeing the joy on patients’ faces following a successful procedure. I always find this an exhilarating moment – that we share together as surgeons with the patient.

What has been the best piece of advice that you have received in your career and what advice would you offer to those following in your footsteps?

I was advised when I was training to always put the patient’s needs first. If you keep that in mind, the outcomes are always the best. So, when I train new surgeons, I make sure this is one of the key pieces of guidance I give. This means taking the time to understand the patient’s objectives and hopes – and agreeing the best outcomes with them in advance.

What one paper or book would you recommend every plastic surgeon should read?

The Art of Aesthetic Surgery is a three-volume set written by Foad Nahai, Farzad Nahai, Jeffrey M Kenkel, Grand Stevens, William P Adams and John Hunter. I advise my students to buy, read and keep this set of books nearby during their training. It is the ultimate guide to aesthetic surgery principles and techniques with a huge number of expert contributions. I’d say it is almost like an encyclopaedia for the plastic surgeon and it continues to inspire me.

We understand that in September you and your team at UCL will be launching a comprehensive Masters of Surgery (MS) in Aesthetics and Minimally-Invasive Aesthetics; can you tell us a little about this new course?

This is the first MS course in the aesthetic field in the world. It is designed to be more practical in orientation – and applicable, rather than theoretical (as an MSc would be). It is hoped to allow practitioners the confidence to further their practical skills and look after their patients more expertly. The new programme includes two courses – one is an MS Aesthetics (Minimally-Invasive Aesthetics), for those with a medical or dental (BDS) qualification or those who are an advanced nurse practitioner registered with the NMC, or those who are prescribing pharmacists registered with GPh. The other is an MS Aesthetics (Aesthetic Surgery), which is designed for surgeons.

Of course, the current COVID-19 pandemic has made life very different for everyone; how has it impacted on the launch of the Masters course?

The launch of the MS Aesthetics was delayed by a year. But we are looking forward to the launch this September 2021 and are already welcoming students as they enrol. Of course, we have had to adapt the course and make some changes for the coming year’s course – to ensure that all the elements can run just as effectively online.

You are known for being very dedicated to training and education; do you see this as an important part of your work and are you continuing this virtually at the moment?

Yes, you are right. I am dedicated to training and education. I think the future of our specialty is in the hands of our students and trainees. It is important to me that we get them as enthused and excited about this field as I have always been – but always in a methodical and ethical way. I aim to be able to pass this approach on.

And finally, if you have any spare time, how do you like to relax?

Well, I am a foodie, so before the pandemic, I would relax by eating and seeing friends. Now however, I have had to adapt – so you’ll find me cooking at home and watching Netflix!

Many thanks for your time!


Acknowledgement: Photo published courtesy of UCL.

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