Event Details
Date: 16 July 2021 - 18 July 2021

Location name: Rome, Italy

Location address: Rome Cavalieri, A Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Via Alberto Cadlolo, 101, 00136 Roma RM, Italy

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SIME Congress 2021

Following the Decree of 23 April 2021 regarding the reopening of public areas in Italy, the SIME
Board of Directors has decided to postpone the congress to 16-18 July 2021.

SIME 21 image
The theme chosen this year poses a great challenge: Evidence Based Medicine in Aesthetic
Medicine. We all know that unfortunately the missing element in our medical field is compliance
with scientific literature regarding therapeutic innovations. The effectiveness of a therapy or of a
therapeutic protocol must be supported by published results to be validated, thus requiring a
demonstration of the process – research activity, method and data – that led the author to develop
their hypothesis, and most of all this process must be repeatable multiple times. Unfortunately, it
occurs too often in conference communications that new protocols and new techniques are
illustrated without revealing their scientific background, or how the hypothesis which sets the
foundations for the discovery of such procedures is verified by other researchers in a virtuous
process of confirmation or of proof and evidence of anomalies.
During our next Congress we would consider it appropriate for all colleagues to comply
with the previously mentioned presentation standards, in order to make the scientific
discussion much more fruitful and stimulating.
A session will be dedicated to the presentation, to be made by various SIME study groups, of
reviews on the topics of greatest clinical interest in aesthetic medicine, thus providing participants
with new tools of scientific discernment. It is commonly known that the only valuable texts
that can be used for growth in our profession must be published ones.
As usual we will also have a session conducted by foreign guests, who we have asked to
share with us the technical approaches that allowed them to improve their results the most
in recent years. We will also talk about the use of gases in aesthetic medicine, in a session that aims at discussing the use of traditional gases such as CO2, and the ones that are used in other fields such as ozone, oxygen, etc.
We will then host a session on the 'Perfect Smile', in which we will examine all factors that influence
the aesthetic medical achievement of a perfect smile; a session on the aesthetics of the buttocks,
of which much has been said in recent times both from a surgical and aesthetic medical point of
view; and finally a session on the global aesthetic approach to the neck.
There will be sessions on aesthetic reconstructive medicine, on regenerative medicine with
particular attention to PRP which, according to recent publications, has proved to be of great
scientific value in the correction and prevention of skin ageing, and we will have a session dedicated
to the role of the aesthetic physician in the treatment of diabetic ulcers.
As always we will avail ourselves of the contribution of the other scientific societies that – in
constantly increasing numbers – enrich our Congress with sessions focusing on the latest
innovations in their fields of interest.
In line with the main theme of the Congress – Evidence Based Aesthetic Medicine – we would like
to build a session on the therapeutic algorithms of the main aesthetic imperfections.
Our Congress will be diverse in its form, as congress participants will easily be able to follow it
online, once the live congress has ended, in order to allow for its contents to be available for a
more extended period of time.
We guarantee that the highest safety standards will be respected in terms of distancing, hygiene and sanitation in order to protect congressmen and congresswomen, and exhibitors.

Emanuele Bartoletti Portrait