Martyn H C Webster was born 1939, and educated at Glasgow Academy and Rugby School. He then attended medical school at Glasgow University, graduating in 1963.

Post graduation, Martyn worked at Glasgow Royal Infirmary in Pathology for four years before starting surgical training in 1968. He started work at Canniesburn Regional Plastic Surgery Unit in 1971, becoming a Consultant  and Senior Lecturer there in 1976, experiencing  the whole range of plastic reconstructive surgery with particular reference to microsurgery, head and neck surgery, hand surgery and breast reconstruction.

Martyn was President of BAAPS 1994-1995, and President of EURAPS 2000-2001.

He is now working part time in West Africa for ReSurge Africa, a charity training local doctors in reconstructive surgical techniques.


Latest Contribution

Modifying the DIEP flap in autologous breast reconstruction, introducing a fifth ‘Fleur-de-lis’ zone

With current consumer disquiet about silicone implants, more patients may request autologous reconstruction. This can cause difficulties in patients who have undergone massive weight loss. The authors describe an ingenious solution, modifying the deep inferior epigastric perforators (DIEP) flap to...

Superficial lymphatics of the abdominal wall in lymphatic microsurgery

This elegant and beautifully illustrated article requires to be carefully studied in its entirety by any surgeon planning to carry out lymphovenous anastomoses or vascularised lymph node transfer in the groin area. As the authors point out, the most difficult...

Reconstructive Surgery in Post Colonial Africa

Both plastic and maxillo-facial surgery developed out of armed combat. Initially, general surgeons attached to the military might perform reconstructive attempts, but more realistically and pragmatically, destructive surgery was more suited to their situation. Amputation of limbs undoubtedly saved lives...