Aesthetic Nursing Section Editor – The PMFA Journal

Independent nurse prescriber Anna Baker provides a nurse-led cosmetic non-surgical and dermatology clinic based at The Nuffield Health Hospital in Cheltenham. With a special interest in dermatology, she is qualified to provide photodynamic therapy to treat non-melanoma skin lesions. Anna is a member of The British Dermatological Nursing Association, The Royal College of Nursing and The Association of Nurse Prescribers. Anna has a keen interest in anatomy and is pursing post-graduate studies at Keele University specializing in facial anatomy. She coordinates an accredited independent bespoke facial anatomy teaching course especially for medical professionals providing non-surgical rejuvenation.

JOURNAL REVIEWED: Journal of Aesthetic Nursing – Dec 2014 (ongoing)

Latest Contribution

Body contouring modalities for sculpting the abdomen and flanks

The author discusses the importance of appropriately assessing an individual’s BMI in relation to assessing suitability for non-surgical body contouring, with a detailed and balanced discussion of non-surgical methods of contouring the abdomen and flanks. Some of the more commonly...

The importance of skin preparation

With both aesthetic procedures and antibiotic resistance on the rise, good skin disinfection to reduce the risk of infection is more vital than ever. Anna Baker takes us through the evidence behind commonly used skin preparation formulations for aesthetic injectable...

The use of intense pulsed light therapy in the treatment of acne vulgaris

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is discussed in relation to its application in acne vulgaris. The author acknowledges that it may not be the most effective, or the first line therapy for managing such a challenging and persistent skin condition, but...