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The SARS-COV2 virus and the associated COVID-19 disease have caused immense social, financial and personal strain. But now we are taking the first tentative steps to exit the phase 1 lockdown.

The British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM) has been working hard behind the scenes to ensure that practitioners are ready to provide care and treatments to their patients in the safest and most efficient way possible.

BCAM has sought an opinion of counsel from a leading QC in the field of public law in relation to the exact position and is making the full text of the opinion available to its members. This provides clear detail of the legal position, in all 4 countries of the Union, in relation to the legality of operation, compliance with guidance and the requirements to comply with the Government's new COVID-19 SECURE strategy.

BCAM is also publishing a suite of documents on the process of risk assessment, operation under the COVID-19 SECURE strategy and protocols to support practitioners through this early phase of recovery.

BCAM President Dr Uliana Gout said: “I am delighted the BCAM Team have risen to the COVID-19 challenge. There has been a focused and combined effort to obtain independent legal opinion based on the current government guidance, alongside clinical protocols for re-opening. I am certain these will be of great benefit to BCAM Members as they look to re-start their Practices. This is the quality of service to Members that we have always prided ourselves on as the organisation leading the Aesthetic Medicine industry.”

College Secretary Dr Philip Dobson, said: “This is a vitally important topic and it is essential that everyone takes the best legal advice when making decisions which affect the safety of patients, staff and the public.”

Communications lead Dr John Elder said: “I am proud of everyone at BCAM for pulling out all the stops to obtain this crucial legal opinion. Many of our members running small, private clinics have suffered greatly under the lockdown and we are all itching to get back to seeing our patients again.’ 



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